SPOILER ALERT!! Just in case I start to ramble and don't realize I just spoiled something that I didn't mean too.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Top 10 Movies of 2010

Man 2010 was filled with so many great movies. I could've easily turned this list into a top thirty list without much thought and with that said, here are a few honorable mentions for some movies that were phenomenal but just didn't quite make the cut into my top ten list.
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • Shutter Island
  • Black Swan
  • Karate Kid
  • The Town 
Those five movies were all really good and I just had to get the word out on how good they were even though they're not in my final list.

10.  The Last Exorcism -
This is probably the most over looked movie on my list. Even I brushed it to the side as just another lame exorcism movie, until I saw it. This movie really should be seen by more people. The cast does an amazing job of really making you care about there (very interesting) characters. I'd also like to point out that even though the movie is done in a documentary style, were we kinda see what they see. It doesn't, I repeat DOES NOT have the stupid shaky camera or annoying jumps to sounds and other stupid stuff. They really did an awesome job with this movie and all I can say after seeing it, is that I feel sorry for that sound lady.

9. 127 Hours -
This is and hour and a half of James Franco at his finest. Now I'll say a lot of people kind of over hyped the movie in my opinion. I mean Franco does an awesome job but it's really just him being him and not much more. The story, if you don't already know, is about a hiker or whatever you would call him, that goes off with out telling anybody were he's going and gets his arm stuck under a boulder and tries to survive. It's also based on a true story, that I some how had heard nothing of until this movie.

8. Tron: Legacy -
Yea yea, everyone hated this movie, it could've been so much better, blah blah, shut up. This movie rocked and most people didn't notice how awesome it was thanks to the twenty-seven year build up most had in their head before seeing it. This movie had so many great action / fight scenes in it and my favorites usually involved Rinzler. Words can not describe how bad ass this guy is, in fact because of him, I was rooting for Sam and Flynn to get caught most of the movie. And no, I'm not oblivious to the fact that the story had some pretty major plot holes in it but if you do like I did and just go with it, instead of breaking down every little detail during the movie, then I guarantee that you will enjoy yourself.

7. Kick-Ass -
An awesome comic turned into an even better movie. That pretty much sums this up. I'll say my only real problem with this movie was that there weren't more scenes with Big Daddy messing people up. I'm not sure what else to say about this one that hasn't already been said. It's basically about a guy who decides he wants to help people and so he becomes a super hero (Kick-Ass) and starts fighting crime. Along the way he meets some other heroes and bad guys, and then eventually does to his town what Batman did to Gotham...only with comedy.

6. The Expendables -
All (Most) of the greatest action stars (and some other guys) in one movie together kicking ass, what could go wrong? That first sentence made this movie sound like it could be really bad but honestly it wasn't, it just made some big mistakes that I think kept it from becoming an instant classic. The biggest and most brought up mistake was the lack of screen time for most of the characters. You never really know who any of them are with the exception of Sly, Statham, and Rourke. I would use there screen names except they didn't really do a good job of letting you know what those are. I think Statham's name is Christmas, but I could be wrong. This movie is your typical blow 'em up, over the top, action movie where pretty much anything goes and the use for the poorly written story is to give the characters a reason to blow shit up. There's a lot bad that can be said about this movie but overall it's such fun movie to watch and it perfectly captures the charm of classic '80's action movies. Oh and Bruce Willis is in the movie for maybe one to two minutes, tops. I don't know why the hell he's on the cover but it really pisses me off.

5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World -
This is kinda the same as Kick-Ass in that it's an awesome comic that made an even better movie. It's about a guy who wants to date the new girl in town but they can't be together until he defeats her seven evil exes. The comedy is great and Michael Cera is finally not quite the same character he always is. The movie's also filled with some of the best action scenes all year. Also they changed the ending of the movie since the comic wasn't finished when they were filming and I gotta say I read the comic first and still liked the movies ending so much better.

4. The Fighter -
This movie has Oscar written all over it...wait scratch that. Christian Bale in this movie has Oscar written all over him. The movie's about a boxer (Wahlberg). ( Hmmm...something happened while I was posting my list and I don't have another copy of it. ) Let's see, it's about a boxer and his family but it's not really a boxing movie. Also the boxing matches aren't that great like they bolstered them out to be but still a great movie.

3. The Social Network -
This movie will change the way you look at Facebook in way that I can't even describe. Jesse Eisenberg stars in this gripping tale of the creation of Facebook. Okay so maybe it's not quite that epic but it's pretty cool non the less. Eisenberg does a great job portraying Mark Zuckerberg (Attack of the Bergs!) You immediately like him right as the movie opens and you see the break up of him and his girlfriend and inevitable creation of Facebook. Although I found that throughout the movie I had very mixed feelings about him, on the one hand I was rooting for him to win his lawsuits against the lawyers and his friends but then on the other hand I wanted him to go broke because what he did to his friends was just wrong.

2. Iron Man 2 -
It's everything the first movie was plus a little something extra. It picks up right where the first movie left off with Stark now enjoying fame as Iron Man. The government is trying to take his suit away from him and Whiplash is trying to kill him, ya know, typical comic book stuff. There are a lot more action scenes in this one and you get to see Happy Hogan kick some ass too. Overall an awesome movie. I'll say I didn't really care for the fact that they mashed together Crimson Dynamo and Whiplash though. I think Dynamo could've done better with his own movie but from the studio's perspective, I kind of get it.  And I definitely see why they couldn't have some bare chested guy running around going toe to toe with Iron Man, still though, it bugs me.

1. Inception -
The best movie of the year hands down, bar none, whatever other clever phrases you can think of. This movie is so great that I don't even want to talk much about it, because I don't want to spoil anything about it. Honestly the best movie since "The Dark Knight", and dare I say it, it may be better, or on par with it. If you haven't seen it then go to the store right now and buy it. Don't worry about the price or anything, just buy it. Then watch it and tell me what you thought about it and spread the word of this movie's epicness to everyone you see.

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